Bon, nous sommes en cours de montage du 2eme batch. Nous traitons aussi le SAV. Sur la totalité livrée, nous avons plutôt des retours positifs
Par ex:James Grover a ecris vendredi, à 15:00
"Well what can I say about these headphones that hasn't been said already. I finally received my headphones a couple of weeks later than expected as I had them delivered to the UK but I am currently in America so I had to wait for my family to bring them over to me. The anticipation of seeing other people opening their VK1 boxes had me even more excited. The only other times I have been excited about opening a products packaging were my Macbook Air and my iPad. Any one who has apple products will know that removing the minimalist white apple packaging is a great experience and i can say its even better when opening your VK1's. The website pictures of the original VK1's look amazing but they just dont do them justice and when you first see them in real life its a great feeling. The VK1's are a stunning piece of design and engineering. You can tell they are hand made with the odd stitch of the lambs leather being slightly different from another and this is what makes them so great. You know that someone has gone to a lot of effort to put these together and that each one will be slightly different from any of the other first 500 batch. My ID card shows i am the 50th pair of the original VK1's and im sure that no other pair will be the same as mine and that just adds to the feeling of these being special. One thing that I havent heard many people mention is the material used for the cables, im not sure what they are made out of but these are great quality, look fantastic and add to the overall feel of the headphones. The sound quality is amazing and although im still bedding mine in, after an hour or so use im sure they will get warmer and even better. The lows are very defined but not over powering. When I first put them on i heard the bass and I was worried they would be bass heavy but they are not at all. They are very well balanced. The first track I had on the iphone was Ludovico Einaudi's - Experience and you could pick out the instruments in every section with great clarity. I am yet to try anything more upbeat but I have no doubt that they will be as impressive. If you are one of the lucky people to have received their VK1's then I hope you agree with what i've said above and if you are on the waiting list for the next batch then yes you should be excited. After reading this post back all I should have really said was........Aedle VK1's......Amazing! Thanks to all the guys at Aedle for being responsive and helpful when asking questions about deliveries and payments. Good luck with the next phase of Aedle im sure you guys are going to be huge.10 ·
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Voici un autre avis, qui dois être plutôt bon, car suite a cela, des distributeurs Japonais ont pris contact avec Aedle
Nous avons eu 4 retours négatifs, avec demande de remboursement, remboursement qui a été fait dès reception des casques en retour.
La motivation principale était un "son" qui ne leur convenais pas.
Nous avons analysé les casques en retour, et effectivement, le son n'était pas totalement conforme au réferenciel. Nous pensons en avoir compris la cause, et afin que cela ne se reproduise pas, nous avons apporté des procédures complémentaires au montage..
L'avis que vous avez mis en liens est effectivement l'un de ces 4 casques.
Ce qu'il faut savoir également, c'est que l'assemblage est totalement manuel. On peut dire que chaque casque est unique.
A ce jours, Aedle, Start Up, donne du travail a au moins 4 personnes (en dehors du STAFF). Personnes qui pointaient encore à Pole emploi, il y a moins de 3 mois.
Nous nous améliorons chaque jours, mais soyez conscient que nous sommes une toute petite structure, et nous n'avons pas les moyens de BEATS par exemple.