Ce nouvel intégré hifi fait un peu parler de lui en ce moment. Il présente également une sortie casque en classe A en composants discrets.
Je voulais savoir si quelqu'un a testé sa sortie casque, avec quel casque, et ce qu'il en a pensé.
Pour info, des informations communiquées par mail par le fabricant, suite à une question de ma part sur sa sortie casque et sur sa compatibilité avec le Sennheiser 650, puis sur sa comparaison avec le Canamp :
"It is a lucky coincidence, because we mostly used a Sennheiser HD650 during the design process of the Elixir. We love them together, they deliver a very warm, thick and punchy sound, with excellent clarity which is a bit unexpected from the HD650. Really nice.
The Elixir can be used with almost every types of headphones, except the very low impedance ones. It is a capacitor-coupled pure class-A amp, so the power delivery is not the best if you attach headphones under 10 Ohms (but still works and sounds OK).
This amp will not alter the basic sound colouring of the headphones. The HD650 has a dark sound, and it won't be changed. The unique construction of the Elixir however gives you very powerful transients and a distinctive atmosphere, which is unmistakably a Heed sound, no matter what type of headphones you use."
"The Canamp is a two-stage, class-A, direct coupled amplifier with unregulated dual supply. The first stage is an opamp, the second is a simple emitter follower power stage.
The headphone amp of the Elixir is also a two-stage class-A amplifier, but all the similarities end here. It has regulated single supply, the output section is a darlington power stage with RC-coupling (capacitor coupled output), and it is built entirely from discrete components, including the voltage gain preamp section. An entirely different structure.
People tend to like the Canamp with AKGs, they complement each other quite well. To be honest, I don't know how AKGs sound with the Elixir.
Regarding the HD650, I like it with the Elixir better than driven by the Canamp.
But once again, the HD650 is one of the darkest sounding headphones on the market and a decent headphone amp won't change it much."
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, l'équipe de tellement nomade vous souhaite une bonne année 2025
Sortie casque Heed Elixir
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